💡 Engage in unfiltered discussions on GenAI with tech leads of Grab, IBM, Fortune 100s

Community Guidelines

Submit a report or give feedback

Values we uphold

Our community is built upon respect, empathy, and inclusivity.

We proactively create spaces where everyone feels safe, valued, and able to express themselves without fear of judgment or harassment.

We are collaborative.

We work together to tackle challenges, focusing on problem-solving, and pursuing craft excellence. Your active participation and constructive feedback are important as we co-create a dynamic and engaged community.

Our platform is a space for continuous learning and professional networking.

You are empowered to share knowledge, initiate meaningful discourse, and collaborate on projects that advance personal and collective growth.

Prohibited Behavior and Content

We have zero tolerance for harassment, hate speech, racism, or discrimination. This includes derogatory statements, personal attacks, and any behavior intended to intimidate, offend, or marginalize individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

Unsolicited promotion of products, services, or affiliate links is prohibited, as it constitutes spam and detracts from meaningful conversation on the platform.

Deliberately posting irrelevant, rambling, or disruptive content intending to provoke or troll other members will not be tolerated.

Engaging in illegal activities such as intellectual property theft, impersonation, fraud, piracy, or any other criminal behavior is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate suspension or legal action.

Sharing confidential or proprietary information without authorization, interacting with clients off the platform to bypass Swarm, and falsely claiming to be a Swarm team member to gain opportunities are strictly prohibited.
Engaging in these actions will lead to immediate removal from the platform and may result in legal repercussions.

Sharing personal or private information about other members without their consent is a serious violation of trust and will result in immediate removal from the platform.

Spreading false or misleading information intending to deceive others is prohibited. Verify the accuracy of your sources and contribute to a culture of trust and transparency.

Best Practices

Search similar topics before posting to avoid clutter.

We envision our discussion forum to be a marketplace of ideas, where repetitive questions and topics do not interrupt the flow of conversation.

Frame your questions to benefit more community members.

At Swarm we’re big on helping each other, so even as we are learning something new or building in public we always want to ensure we bring other people along on our journey.When you have a question or topic you want to discuss, please consider framing it in a way that more people can benefit from the insights.

Self-promotion is a great thing, when done in moderation.

We are your biggest fans and cheerleaders, so we will always advocate for you and bring you opportunities unique to your skill set and goals.
That being said, we want our platform to be different from any other social networking sites where self-promotion gets rewarded over authentic connections and fostering professional relationships.

Provide value and seek genuine connection.

Finding opportunities is your end goal, but starting off with asking for a job has always been poorly received on our platform.
We encourage introducing yourself and contributing meaningfully to discussions as a way of providing value.
This way, you will meet us (hi from the Swarm team!) and other community members who have greater access to opportunities and are happy to share them with you.

If you encounter a technical issue, please submit a detailed report through our bug reporting tool.

This helps our development team address issues more efficiently and improve the platform for everyone.

Moderation and Enforcement

You are empowered to flag any content that violates our community guidelines.

This helps our moderators identify and address problematic behavior promptly.
Please use this reporting tool to submit a complaint or report content. All reports will be reviewed within 7 days of form submission and thoroughly investigated by our moderation team.

Our internal moderation team is responsible for enforcing community guidelines fairly and consistently.

Depending on the severity of the violation, disciplinary measures may include content takedowns, warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans from the platform.

You have the right to appeal moderator decisions with which you disagree.

Use this moderation dispute tool to start the designated appeals process disputing a moderation action taken against you.